Wednesday, November 4, 2015

For Him

The place that she had in the palm of her hands,
That place that emptied and fell amidst her fingers,
Onto her knuckles and unto her veins.
That place that she had in the palm of her hands that held his face,

Ended up in her heart.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Placebo Effect

“Take the pill, take the pill!”
she said. “I will, I will,”
said I.
“But what if I die?”
“You might, you probably will,
if not, you’ll go extremely still.”
You won’t feel your body, you won’t feel the pain,
It’ll be alright, you’ll come back more sane.”
So I took the pill, and then I panicked.
“Will I die? Am I going to die? I don’t want to die!
No pain is worth this! Nothing is worth this.
Oh, how I wish I hadn’t done this! What have I done!?
I don’t want to go! I’m not ready to go!”

“You won’t,” she said. “It was a placebo.”

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I am the Wind

I stood still on that windy day,
When the trees around me shivered and the sand around me spiraled to encase me like a cocoon,
and I stood still on that windy day,
when it tried to nudge me from behind so I land on its feet, headfirst.
But I still stood still on the windy day,
As I watched the water pulled into the sky and engulfed by it to engulf the sand.
And I stood still on that windy day,
Till I became it, and I could not stand still anymore.